It’s not very flattering coverage, and deservedly so.

The Shark Guys cover Derek Forward and his Beer Store campaign here. A quote:

Our home province of Ontario is one of the few places on earth (along with Muslim theocracies, the highlands of Papua New Guinea, and certain stretches of the Australian outback), where you can’t simply wander into your corner store to buy a six-pack but are compelled to take your business to a government-affiliated outlet, which in a feat of Burges Dubai-like creative heights, was dubbed “The Beer Store.”

Randall Denley of the Ottawa Citizen also chimed in on government monopoly of alchohol here:

Limiting who can sell beer is nothing more than government greed thinly disguised by a safety argument.


The government’s real agenda is not difficult to discern. By limiting beer sales to the brewer-owned store and its own LCBO stores, the provincial government has eliminated any significant price discounting. Lower prices mean lower sales tax take, and sales tax on beer is big bucks.

So many Ontarians are aware of the absurdities of our current alcohol system that it can’t hold for much longer.